This show is a semi-historical depiction of Henry VIII's reign. The political machinations are intriguing, and the volatile man at the top of the food chain keeps you wondering what is going to happen next (despite the fact that, having googled him, you'd already have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen). While some people don't agree with the casting of Rhys-Meyers in the role of Henry VIII, I personally believe that he plays the part well. He is, clearly, no Henry VIII, but as a character in a tv show he succeeds admirably. I enjoyed this show immensely. Future seasons also also recommended.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A- for "The Tudors: Season 1"
A- for "The Tudors: Season 1"
This show is a semi-historical depiction of Henry VIII's reign. The political machinations are intriguing, and the volatile man at the top of the food chain keeps you wondering what is going to happen next (despite the fact that, having googled him, you'd already have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen). While some people don't agree with the casting of Rhys-Meyers in the role of Henry VIII, I personally believe that he plays the part well. He is, clearly, no Henry VIII, but as a character in a tv show he succeeds admirably. I enjoyed this show immensely. Future seasons also also recommended.
This show is a semi-historical depiction of Henry VIII's reign. The political machinations are intriguing, and the volatile man at the top of the food chain keeps you wondering what is going to happen next (despite the fact that, having googled him, you'd already have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen). While some people don't agree with the casting of Rhys-Meyers in the role of Henry VIII, I personally believe that he plays the part well. He is, clearly, no Henry VIII, but as a character in a tv show he succeeds admirably. I enjoyed this show immensely. Future seasons also also recommended.
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